Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Zuni River Basin
Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of
United States vs. State of New Mexico, Commissioner of Public Lands and A&R Productions, et. al.

Home > Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc. > Last Updated: September 25, 2006

Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Available court documents related to U.S. v. New Mexico et. al. are presented below.
Additional court documents will be added to this list on an ongoing basis. Please check back often.

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File Date Doc. # Size Description
02/03/03 175 117k NOTICE by plantiff of description of identification of the boundary of the Zuni River Basin
02/03/03 174 1829k RESPONSE by plantiff to State of New Mexico's identification of the boundary of the Zuni River Stream System & development of legal description of that boundary [169-1]
01/31/03 173 164k NOTICE (COMMENTS) by New Mexico Commissioner of Public Lands re: Interim Procedural Order for Adjudication of Water Rights Claims
01/31/03 172 127k (BRIEF) COMMENTS filed by defendant Richard Davis Mallery on the proposed "interim procedural order for the adjudication of water rights claims in the Zuni River Basin" provided by the Special Master at the 1/16/03 scheduling & status conference [161-1]
02/01/03 171 18k SUPPLEMENTAL OBJECTIONS by defendant Paul Petranto to the proposed boundary of the Zuni River Stream System [170-1] & proposed interim procedural order for the adujdication of water rights claims in the Zuni River Basin
01/31/03 170 13k OBJECTIONS by defendant Paul Petranto to the proposed boundary of the Zuni River Stream System
01/31/03 169 290k WRITTEN COMMENTS (OBJECTIONS) by State of New Mexico to the United State's 1/9/03 Supplemental Identification of Zuni River Stream System Boundary [158-1]
01/31/03 168 203k NOTICE by intervenor Zuni Indian Tribe of comments on proposed geographic boundries & response to State of New Mexico's objections to the United States' 1/6/03 pleading concerning geographic boundaries [159-1]
01/31/03 167 53k RESPONSE by defendant Salt River Project to State of New Mexico's objections to & clarifications of United States' 1/6/03 pleading proposing geographic boundaries [159-1]
01/31/03 166 238k OBJECTIONS by defendants Robert & Linda A. Ionta to the United States supplemental identification of Zuni River Stream System boundary & proposed order readjudication procedures & schedules
01/31/03 165 19k AMENDED NOTICE of appearance by defendant Salt River Project re: attorneys already entered
01/28/03 164 94k JOINDER IN OBJECTIONS by Quivira Mining Co. to Tri-State's objections to the United State's supplemental identification of Zuni River Stream System Boundary and Proposed Order re: Adjudication Procedures and Schedules [162-1]
01/27/03 163 60k CERTIFICATE by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association of service of its Objections to the United State's supplemental identification of Zuni River Stream System Boundary to the the proposed order to parties on 1/27/03
01/27/03 162 161k OBJECTIONS by Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association to the United State's Supplemental Identification of Zuni River Stream System Boundary and to Proposed Order re: Adjudication Procedures and Schedules [158-1]
01/16/03 161 104k CLERK'S MINUTES: Status and Scheduling conference held before Special Master Gabin; C/R: Irene Delgado
01/16/03 160 160k AFFIDAVIT of Robert Schafer
01/14/03 159 401k OBJECTIONS AND CLARIFICATION of United State's 1/6/03 notice proposing boundaries by defendant State of New Mexico [156-1]
01/14/03 158 132k NOTICE by plaintiff of supplemental identification of Zuni River Stream System Boundary
01/12/03 157 13k OBJECTIONS by defendant Paul Petranto to proposed boundary of the Zuni River Stream System
01/06/03 156 141k NOTICE (IDENTIFICATION) by the USA and the State of New Mexico's Engineer's Office of the Zuni River Stream System Boundary
12/26/02 155 82k NOTICE by intervenor Zuni Indian Tribe of withdrawal of attorney Susan M. Williams
12/03/02 154 125k PROGRESS REPORT by United States dated 12/2/02
12/04/02 153 10k SCHEDULING ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black as described herein
12/02/02 152 7k NOTICE by Special Master Vickie L. Gabin of hearing status & scheduling conference set on 1/16/03 @ 10:00 a.m. in the Gila Courtroom, Albuquerque, NM
10/02/02 151 8k ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black requiring additional funds as described herein

Most Recent court Documents        

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