Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Zuni River Basin
Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of
United States vs. State of New Mexico, Commissioner of Public Lands and A&R Productions, et. al.

Home > Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc. > Last Updated: September 25, 2006

Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Available court documents related to U.S. v. New Mexico et. al. are presented below. Please note that the court documents listed below have been taken directly from the U.S. District Court website ( In order to set up an account with the U.S District Court, a username and password will need to be obtained. This can be done by following the step by step instructions entitled 'obtaining an ACE account' located in the yellow box of the U.S. District Court website. Once the username and password has been obtained, the court documents can be accessed via the ‘ACE’ tab at the top of the U.S. District Court website. This brings up a prompt box requiring entry of the username and password. This brings up the ACE home page; which offers several options of information that can be looked up. The court documents can be viewed by selecting ‘Docket,’ which brings up a page requesting the case number. The case number for the Zuni River Basin Water Rights Adjudication, New Mexico in the matter of United States vs. State of New Mexico, Commissioner of Public Lands and A&R Productions, et. al. is ‘01cv00072’. Once this number is entered and submitted, all the court documents will be listed with details and a link for viewing the documents in their entirety.

Additional court documents will be added to this list on an ongoing basis. Please check back often.

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File Date Doc. # Size Description
10/20/04 350 29k ENTRY OF APPEARANCE for defendant Livingston Family Partnership by William J. Cooksey
09/16/04 349 75k CLERK'S MINUTES before Special Master Vickie L. Gabin on Zuni River Basin Adjudiaction [343-1]
09/16/04 348 81k ENTRY OF APPEARANCE for intervenor The Navajo Nation by Bidtah Becker & Stanley Pollack
09/10/04 347 1322k DECLARATION of the State of New Mexico Trust reserved water rights
09/09/04 346 84k NOTICE by intervenor Zuni Indian Tribe of change of address
08/19/04 345 6k ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black on motion & approving payment of invoices of Special Master, Data Manager, Judicial Clerk & Administrative Assistant for January 2004 through June 2004 [342-1]
08/17/04 344 170k NOTICE by plantiff of mailing Special Master's Order setting status & scheduling conference to counsel & potential water rights owners identified by the hydrographic survey for Sub-areas 4 & 8 on 8/13/04
08/10/04 343 6k ORDER by Special Master Vickie Gabin Status/Scheduling conference set for 9/14/04 @ 10:00 am in Grants, NM Directing the USA to distribute this Order by 9/6/04
07/29/04 342 7k MOTION by Special Master for order for interim fees and expenses
07/20/04 341 34k AFFIDAVIT of Betty A. Jackson re: account in 66cv6639
07/19/04 340 -- Zuni River Basin Adjudication Hydrographic Survey Report for subareas 4 & 8 filed by plantiff USA
07/16/04 339 90k NOTICE by plantiff USA of filing the Zuni River Basin Hydrographic Survey for subareas 4 and 8
07/08/04 338 14k ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black granting plantiff's motion to withdraw attorney Charles E. O'Connell, Jr. for the United States [337-1]
07/06/04 337 93k MOTION by plantiff to withdraw attorney Charles E. O'Connell, Jr.
06/30/04 336 9k NOTICE by plantiff of joint status report on the Zuni River Basin Hydrographic Survey
06/30/04 335 11k NOTICE by counter-claimant Richard Davis Mallery of comments to the proposed Administrative Order establishing joinder & substitution practice
06/17/04 334 6k ORDER by Special Master Vickie Gabin that by 6/30/04 counsel file a joint status report on progress of hydrographic survey & a request for first status conference
06/04/04 333 9k ORDER by Special Master Vickie Gabin denying claimant Lavern Morsbach's motion for appointment of counsel [332-1]
05/12/04 332 42k MOTION & OBJECTION by claimant Lavern Morsbach for appointment of counsel
05/12/04 331 84k ENTRY OF APPEARANCE for counter-defendant/plantiff United States by Bradley S. Bridgewater
05/12/04 330 14k MEMORANDUM, OPINION, AND ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black denying as moot defendants Yates' motion for expedited order to compel State engineer to accept statement of claims [328-1]
05/04/04 329 36k MEMORANDUM by defendants Yates' in support of motion for expedited order to compel State engineer to accept statement of claims [328-1]
05/04/04 328 25k MOTION by defendants Yates' for expedited order to compel State engineer to accept statement of claims
05/03/04 327 28k NOTICE by defendant Public Lands Commission of initial claims rights
04/28/04 326 85k CERTIFICATE of service of disclaimer of interest by defendant New Mexico Department of Transportation to counsel on 4/27/04

Most Recent Court Documents        

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