Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Zuni River Basin
Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of
United States vs. A&R Productions, et. al.

Home > Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc. > Last Updated: September 25, 2006

Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Available court documents related to U.S. v. New Mexico et. al. are presented below. Please note that the court documents listed below have been taken directly from the U.S. District Court website ( In order to set up an account with the U.S District Court, a username and password will need to be obtained. This can be done by following the step by step instructions entitled 'obtaining an ACE account' located in the yellow box of the U.S. District Court website. Once the username and password has been obtained, the court documents can be accessed via the ‘ACE’ tab at the top of the U.S. District Court website. This brings up a prompt box requiring entry of the username and password. This brings up the ACE home page; which offers several options of information that can be looked up. The court documents can be viewed by selecting ‘Docket,’ which brings up a page requesting the case number. The case number for the Zuni River Basin Water Rights Adjudication, New Mexico in the matter of United States vs. State of New Mexico, Commissioner of Public Lands and A&R Productions, et. al. is ‘01cv00072’. Once this number is entered and submitted, all the court documents will be listed with details and a link for viewing the documents in their entirety.

Additional court documents will be added to this list on an ongoing basis. Please check back often.

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File Date Doc. # Size Description
4/21/06 675 113k CONSENT ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black concerning defendants Robert A. Thompson & Geraldine P. Thompsons' rights to use the public waters of the Zuni River Stream System, Sub-areas 9 & 10, Subfile No ZRB-2-0087.
4/21/06 674 145k CONSENT ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black concerning the defendant John Bogart's right to use the public waters of the Zuni River Stream System, Sub-areas 9 & 10, Subfile No ZRB-2-0023.
4/21/06 673 117k CONSENT ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black concerning defendants Peter J. McKenna & Janet L. Pattersons' right to use the public waters of the Zuni River Stream System, Sub-areas 4 & 8, Subfile No ZRB-1-0094.
4/21/06 672 89k CONSENT ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black concerning defendants George W. McBeath & Mary Ann McBeaths' right to use the public waters of the Zuni River Stream System, Sub-areas 4 & 8, Subfile No ZRB-1-0062.
4/21/06 671 31k JOINT MOTION by USA & State of NM to extend consultation period & answer date. ATTACHMENTS: Form of Order (15k)
4/20/06 670 27k ENTRY OF APPEARANCE for defendants Colin E. and Johanne F. O'Neill by Charles T. DuMars, Tanya L. Scott.
4/18/06 669 11k ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black granting plaintiff's motion to substitute party [632-1] & substituting John Jacobs, Conservator for the Estate of Gladis May Bartlett as party defendant in place of Westley R. Logan.
4/18/06 668 12k ORDER by District Judge Bruce D. Black granting plaintiff's motion for order to join additional parties defendant as further described herein.
4/18/06 667 8k ORDER by Special Master Vickie Gabin granting plaintiff's motion to extend consultation period & answer date in stated subfiles to 10/12/06.
4/18/06 666 34k NOTICE by plaintiff of change of address.
4/18/06 665 45k CERTIFICATE of service of court filed consent orders by plaintiff to subfile parties on 4/18/06.
4/18/06 664 45k RETURN OF SERVICE on Randall Barrow executed on 1/30/06.
4/18/06 663 47k RETURN OF SERVICE on Cynthia Lee Lemons Spencer executed on 1/12/06.
4/18/06 662 37k RETURN OF SERVICE on Walter Lee Meech executed on 2/9/06.
4/18/06 661 39k RETURN OF SERVICE on Vicki Meech executed on 2/2/06.
4/18/06 660 37k RETURN OF SERVICE on Gene Mirabal executed on 2/2/06.
4/18/06 659 38k RETURN OF SERVICE on Vera Mirabal executed on 2/2/06.
4/18/06 658 39k RETURN OF SERVICE on Susan Mayne executed on 2/3/06.
4/18/06 657 42k RETURN OF SERVICE on Peter Mayne executed on 2/3/06.
4/18/06 656 39k RETURN OF SERVICE on Don Cator executed on 2/3/06.
4/18/06 655 41k RETURN OF SERVICE on Lawrence Clawson executed on 2/3/06.
4/18/06 654 40k RETURN OF SERVICE on Jean Proper executed on 2/3/06.
4/18/06 653 40k RETURN OF SERVICE on Robert Keegan executed on 1/31/06.
4/18/06 652 40k RETURN OF SERVICE on Roland Carter executed on 1/24/06.
4/18/06 651 42k RETURN OF SERVICE on Isabelle Carter executed on 1/24/06.

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